
Linkedin command line interface (cli) is a python 3 console application to handle authentication and communication with LinkedIn API v2.

Linkedin-cli requires a linkedin application client id and client secret to authenticate a user on the linkedin api v2. Create a linkedin application on linkedin developer site if you don’t have already.

Follow tigillo on linkedin for the latest updates.


python 3


python3 -m pip install linkedin-cli


python3 -m linkedin


usage: linkedin <command> [<args?]

              These are common linkedin commands used in various situations:

                  config       Get and set linkedin-cli options
                  login        Login with a user for api access
                  me           Display logged in user details
                  post         Share a post

              Other commands

                  help         Print help (this message)
                  version      Print the version information

Configure Linkedin Application

Run below command and provide your client id and secret of your linkedin application. Configuration will be saved to ~/.linkedin/config.json file.

linkedin configure set application

Linkedin Application Configuration

Go to `auth` page of your linkedin application and add `http://localhost:4625` address as the `Authorized redirect URLs for your app` on the *OAuth 2.0 settings* section.

Linkedin Application Configuration


Run below command and authenticate your linkedin application for your user on the opened web dialog. Once approved your api token will be stored to ~/.linkedin/config.json file.

linkedin login

Share a Post

Put content between double quotes, new lines supported. Only text content supported currently.

linkedin post "Hello connections!

              Sent from my terminal via linkedin-cli"

Post Visibility

Default visibility option for post command is connections. Visibility option can be set as connections or public.

linkedin post -v public "Hello world!

              Sent from my terminal via linkedin-cli"


python3 build
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